Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in Go

Unveiling Go's Unique Approach to OOP through Methods and Interfaces

Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in Go

In this blog post, we'll explore how Go tackles object-oriented programming (OOP). We'll start with a brief recap of OOP fundamentals—abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance—before examining Go's unique implementation. Despite lacking traditional class-based inheritance, Go promotes an effective form of OOP through methods and interfaces. Detailed code examples will illustrate these concepts, highlighting their functionality and best practices.

Understanding Object-Oriented Programming


Abstraction is the concept of simplifying complex systems by modeling classes appropriate to the problem, focusing on the essential characteristics while ignoring the irrelevant details. For instance, when dealing with files, you only need to know how to open, read, or write files, not the intricate details of how these actions are performed at the system level.


Encapsulation involves bundling the data with the methods that operate on the data, restricting direct access to some of the object's components. This is crucial for protecting the internal state of an object and ensuring that the object controls its own state through its methods.


Polymorphism allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common super type. It comes in various forms:

  • Ad-hoc Polymorphism: Function or operator overloading.

  • Parametric Polymorphism: Generics (coming soon in Go).

  • Subtype Polymorphism: Using inheritance to allow a subclass to be treated as an instance of its superclass.

  • Interface-based Polymorphism: Using interfaces to define behavior independent of type hierarchies.


Inheritance allows one class to inherit fields and methods from another, promoting code reuse and establishing a subtype from a parent type. However, inheritance can lead to issues like deep inheritance hierarchies and tight coupling between classes.

Object-Oriented Programming in Go

Go takes a unique approach to OOP, focusing on interfaces and composition rather than traditional class-based inheritance. This leads to a more flexible and modular design.

Abstraction in Go

In Go, abstraction is achieved using interfaces. An interface is a type that specifies a set of method signatures without implementing them. Any type that implements these methods satisfies the interface.

package main

import (

type File interface {
    Open() string
    Read() string
    Write(content string) string

type MyFile struct {
    name    string
    content string

func (f *MyFile) Open() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("File %s opened",

func (f *MyFile) Read() string {
    return f.content

func (f *MyFile) Write(content string) string {
    f.content = content
    return fmt.Sprintf("Written to file %s",

func main() {
    var file File = &MyFile{name: "example.txt"}
    fmt.Println(file.Write("Hello, World!"))

Encapsulation in Go

Encapsulation is achieved by controlling access to struct fields using visibility rules. In Go, an identifier is exported if it begins with an uppercase letter, making it accessible from other packages.

package main

import (

type MyFile struct {
    name    string
    content string

func NewFile(name string) *MyFile {
    return &MyFile{name: name}

func (f *MyFile) Read() string {
    return f.content

func (f *MyFile) Write(content string) {
    f.content = content

func main() {
    file := NewFile("example.txt")
    file.Write("Hello, World!")

Polymorphism in Go

Go achieves polymorphism primarily through interfaces. Any type that implements an interface is considered to satisfy that interface, enabling polymorphic behavior without the need for a strict type hierarchy.

package main

import (

type Shape interface {
    Area() float64

type Circle struct {
    radius float64

func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
    return 3.14 * c.radius * c.radius

type Rectangle struct {
    width, height float64

func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
    return r.width * r.height

func printArea(s Shape) {
    fmt.Printf("Area: %.2f\n", s.Area())

func main() {
    circle := Circle{radius: 5}
    rectangle := Rectangle{width: 10, height: 5}


Composition Over Inheritance

Instead of relying on inheritance, Go promotes composition. By embedding types within structs, you can reuse code and achieve similar results without the pitfalls of deep inheritance hierarchies.

package main

import (

type Animal struct {
    Name string

func (a Animal) Speak() {
    fmt.Printf("%s makes a sound\n", a.Name)

type Dog struct {
    Breed string

func (d Dog) Speak() {
    fmt.Printf("%s barks\n", d.Name)

func main() {
    animal := Animal{Name: "Generic Animal"}
    dog := Dog{Animal: Animal{Name: "Buddy"}, Breed: "Golden Retriever"}


Methods and Interfaces: The Basics

What are Interfaces and Methods?

In Go, an interface is a specification of abstract behavior. It lists a set of methods that a concrete type must implement. Methods, on the other hand, are functions with a special receiver argument. If a concrete type implements all the methods defined by an interface, it satisfies that interface.

Defining Methods in Go

Unlike traditional object-oriented languages where methods are defined within classes, Go defines methods separately from the type declaration. Here's an example to illustrate this:

package main

import (

// Define a new type
type IntSlice []int

// Define a method on the IntSlice type
func (is IntSlice) String() string {
    result := ""
    for i, val := range is {
        if i > 0 {
            result += ";"
        result += fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)
    return result

func main() {
    // Create an instance of IntSlice
    numbers := IntSlice{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

In this example, IntSlice is a user-defined type, and we define a String method on it. This method converts the slice of integers into a formatted string.

Satisfying Interfaces

An interface in Go is satisfied by any type that implements its methods. Let's consider the fmt.Stringer interface from the fmt package, which is satisfied by any type that has a String method returning a string.

package main

import (

type IntSlice []int

func (is IntSlice) String() string {
    result := ""
    for i, val := range is {
        if i > 0 {
            result += ";"
        result += fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)
    return result

func main() {
    numbers := IntSlice{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    var s fmt.Stringer = numbers

Here, IntSlice satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface because it implements the String method.

Practical Example: Custom Writer Interface

To further understand interfaces and methods, let's create a custom writer interface and a type that implements it.

Step 1: Define the Interface

First, we define a Writer interface with a Write method:

package main

import (

type Writer interface {
    Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Step 2: Implement the Interface

Next, we create a ByteCounter type that implements the Writer interface:

package main

import (

type ByteCounter int

func (bc *ByteCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    *bc += ByteCounter(len(p))
    return len(p), nil

func main() {
    var bc ByteCounter
    bc.Write([]byte("Hello, Go!"))
    fmt.Println(bc) // Output: 10

In this example, ByteCounter is a type that counts the number of bytes written to it. The Write method increments the counter by the length of the input byte slice.

Step 3: Using the Custom Writer

We can now use ByteCounter wherever a Writer is expected:

package main

import (

type ByteCounter int

func (bc *ByteCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    *bc += ByteCounter(len(p))
    return len(p), nil

func main() {
    var bc ByteCounter
    var writer io.Writer = &bc

    writer.Write([]byte("Hello, "))

    fmt.Println(bc) // Output: 10

In this code, ByteCounter is used as an io.Writer to count the total number of bytes written.

Why Use Interfaces?

Interfaces in Go provide a powerful way to achieve polymorphism and abstraction. By defining behavior via interfaces, we can write functions that operate on any type that satisfies those interfaces, making our code more flexible and reusable.

Example: Using Interfaces for Flexible Function Parameters

Consider a function that writes data to any io.Writer:

package main

import (

func writeData(writer io.Writer, data string) {

func main() {
    // Write to a file
    file, _ := os.Create("output.txt")
    defer file.Close()
    writeData(file, "Hello, File!")

    // Write to standard output
    writeData(os.Stdout, "Hello, Console!")

    // Use ByteCounter
    var bc ByteCounter
    writeData(&bc, "Hello, ByteCounter!")
    fmt.Println(bc) // Output: 18

In this example, writeData can write to any destination that implements the io.Writer interface, whether it’s a file, console, or custom writer like ByteCounter.

Introduction to Interfaces

In Go, an interface type specifies a set of method signatures. When a type provides definitions for all the methods in the interface, it is said to implement the interface. Here are some foundational concepts:

Example: Basic Interfaces

Consider two interfaces, io.Writer and io.ReadWriteCloser:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var w io.Writer
    var rwc io.ReadWriteCloser

    // Assign os.Stdout to w
    w = os.Stdout
    // Assign os.Stdout to rwc
    rwc = os.Stdout

    fmt.Println("Assignment successful")
  • os.Stdout is of type *os.File, which implements the io.Writer, io.Reader, and io.Closer interfaces. Therefore, it can be assigned to both io.Writer and io.ReadWriteCloser.

Incompatibility with Interfaces

Not all types implement all interfaces. For example, a bytes.Buffer implements io.Writer but not io.ReadWriteCloser:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var w io.Writer
    var rwc io.ReadWriteCloser

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

    // This works because bytes.Buffer implements io.Writer
    w = buf

    // This fails because bytes.Buffer does not implement io.ReadWriteCloser
    // rwc = buf // Uncommenting this will cause a compilation error

    fmt.Println("Assignment to w successful")

Type Assertions and Type Switches

To extract the concrete type from an interface, use type assertions or type switches:

func main() {
    var w io.Writer
    w = os.Stdout

    // Type assertion
    if f, ok := w.(*os.File); ok {
        fmt.Println("w is of type *os.File")

    // Type switch
    switch v := w.(type) {
    case *os.File:
        fmt.Println("w is a *os.File")
        fmt.Println("Unknown type")

Method Receivers: Value vs Pointer

Go methods can have either value or pointer receivers. This choice affects how methods are called and whether the method can modify the receiver.

Example: Value Receiver

A value receiver method operates on a copy of the value:

package main

import (

type Point struct {
    X, Y int

// Value receiver
func (p Point) Distance() float64 {
    return math.Sqrt(float64(p.X*p.X + p.Y*p.Y))

func main() {
    p := Point{3, 4}
    fmt.Println(p.Distance()) // Output: 5

Example: Pointer Receiver

A pointer receiver method can modify the receiver:

package main

import (

type Point struct {
    X, Y int

// Pointer receiver
func (p *Point) Scale(factor int) {
    p.X *= factor
    p.Y *= factor

func main() {
    p := Point{3, 4}
    fmt.Println(p) // Output: {6 8}

Incompatible Method Calls

You cannot call a pointer receiver method on a value that is not addressable:

package main

import (

type Point struct {
    X, Y int

// Pointer receiver
func (p *Point) Scale(factor int) {
    p.X *= factor
    p.Y *= factor

func main() {
    p := Point{3, 4}

    // This works

    // This fails
    // Point{3, 4}.Scale(2) // Uncommenting this will cause a compilation error


Composition Over Inheritance

Go favors composition over inheritance. You can compose interfaces and types to create more complex behaviors.

Example: Composing Interfaces

Compose simple interfaces to create more complex ones:

package main

import (

type Reader interface {
    Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Writer interface {
    Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

// Composed interface
type ReadWriter interface {

func main() {
    var rw ReadWriter
    rw = os.Stdout
    fmt.Println("Composed interface assignment successful")

Example: Composing Structs

Compose structs to create new types:

package main

import (

type Point struct {
    X, Y int

type ColoredPoint struct {
    Color string

func main() {
    cp := ColoredPoint{
        Point: Point{X: 1, Y: 2},
        Color: "Red",

    fmt.Println(cp)         // Output: {{1 2} Red}
    fmt.Println(cp.X, cp.Y) // Output: 1 2


Go's approach to object-oriented programming emphasizes interfaces and composition over traditional class-based inheritance. This promotes flexibility, modularity, and maintainability, aligning with modern software design principles. Mastering methods and interfaces in Go is essential for creating robust and scalable applications, allowing for clear contracts, fine-grained control, and adaptable code structures. By leveraging these features, you can build flexible, reusable, and maintainable code in Go.